Subject Verb Agreement Many a Examples

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most crucial aspects of English grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It ensures that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number and person. Many people struggle with subject-verb agreement, which can lead to unclear and confusing writing. In this article, we will explore many examples of subject-verb agreement to help you better understand this essential grammar rule.

1. Many a student has struggled with subject-verb agreement.

In this sentence, the subject “many” is followed by a singular noun (“student”), which requires the singular form of the verb “has.”

2. Each of the students has completed the project.

“Each” is a singular subject that requires a singular verb. In this case, the correct form is “has.”

3. The group of students are working on the project.

In this sentence, the subject “group” is singular, so the verb should be “is” instead of “are.”

4. The team, as well as the coach, is excited about the upcoming game.

The subject “team” is singular, and the phrase “as well as the coach” is an additional detail that does not affect subject-verb agreement. Therefore, the correct form is “is.”

5. Neither the students nor the teacher knows the answer.

In this sentence, “neither” and “nor” indicate a negative subject, so the verb should match the first noun in the list, which is “students.” Therefore, the correct form is “knows.”

6. Everybody in the room was listening to the presentation.

“Everybody” is a singular pronoun that requires a singular verb. In this case, the correct form is “was.”

7. The boys in the class are playing soccer after school.

In this sentence, “boys” is a plural subject that requires a plural verb. Therefore, the correct form is “are.”

8. The group of elephants is moving slowly through the jungle.

The subject “group” is singular, and “elephants” is an additional detail that does not affect subject-verb agreement. Therefore, the correct form is “is.”

9. My brother, along with his friends, plays video games every weekend.

In this sentence, “brother” is the main subject, and “his friends” is an additional detail that does not affect subject-verb agreement. Therefore, the correct form is “plays.”

10. The majority of the students are from out of town.

“Majority” is a singular subject that requires the singular verb “is.” However, in this sentence, the speaker is referring to the students themselves, which is plural, so the correct form is “are.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is essential to ensure that sentences are clear and understandable. By following these many examples, you can better understand this grammar rule and improve your writing skills. Remember to always ensure that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number and person, and you`ll be well on your way to becoming a better writer.